Wine Country Shotblast and Coatings has the appropriate equipment for the removal of parking deck coatings, pedestrian, podium decks, hot mops, epoxies, urethanes, vinyl tile, resilient flooring, rubber gym floors, wood flooring, carpet and glue, ceramics, toppings and underlayments.

Power scrapers from 1200 -4200 lbs. allow the proper blade pressure to undermine most materials. Compact units are available for select demolition and high productions removals.

All units are propane powered which also will allow the scrapers to literally plow through underlayments and cementitious patch work of up to 2” in thickness. Cutting width from 4”-36”.

Coatings with more elasticity require Carbide Slicing which will remove the coatings and its primer. The BMS-1000 cutting head works 90° to the working surfaces for a clean shredding effect.

Many methods may be utilized for a given removal due to the density of the substrate. Wine Country Shotblast and Coatings incorporates all of our innovative approaches and tooling towards the proper removal of your coatings in order to protect the underlying substrate.
Wine Country Shotblast and Coatings
(707) 253-9262 phone & fax
1010 Stonedge Drive, Napa, CA 94558

Copyright © 2009 Wine Country Shotblast and Coatings  All rights reserved  |1010 Stonedge Drive, Napa, CA 94558 | 707-253-9262
Wine Country Shotblast and Coatings
(707) 253-9262 phone & fax
1010 Stonedge Drive, Napa, CA 94558